12 Legacy Leadership Traits – Are You a Legacy Leader?

Walter Lippman when asked about leadership legacy reflected that “The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind in others the conviction and will to carry on”.

Here are 12 legacy leadership traits. How do you measure up?

1. Legacy leaders are remembered more for their interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence and their ability to quickly transform a group into a vision driven team.

2. People don’t remember the titles of legacy leaders as much as they remember credibility, influence, compassion, understanding, patience, and integrity.

3. Legacy leaders are courageous. They are willing to stand for what is right and to take risks with a quiet tenacity. They are willing to “go against the flow” to ensure that the highest standards are maintained.

4. Legacy leaders look inward before acting outward. They know their motivations, vulnerabilities, and triggers for negative emotions. They are authentic and teachable.

5. Legacy leaders know how and when to be quiet. They ask questions and take the time to research and discover all the details before forming an opinion or taking action.

6. Legacy leaders are teachers. They remember that everyone is growing. They know that each day offers opportunities for continuous improvement, not perfection, and they encourage those they lead to strive for learning.

7. Legacy leaders are approachable. They create safe environments into which others know they can bring concerns or new ideas.

8. Legacy leaders know how to balance managing by influence and managing by authority.

9. Legacy leaders are empowering. They ensure the success of those around them. They plan for and train their successors. They inspire others to stretch, grow, through support and positioning others for success.

10. Legacy leaders don’t build more followers, they build more leaders.

11. Legacy leaders are visionary. They visualize tomorrow’s possibilities, see the organizations potential and then bite size the steps to allow their people the opportunity to experience small successes on their journey to vision attainment.

12. Legacy leaders set an example of excellence not perfection.

A legacy of leadership is what stays long after you have left the position. It is within your power to determine how others will remember you. Will you take action or just drift off into the sunset?

Stephanie Y. Oden is the author of Ready, Set, Engage and is known as The Leader Builder. She is a thought leader in the areas of leadership with synergistic intention and team connection, Stephanie is a seminar leader, keynote speaker and executive consultant. She helps individuals and organizations improve business outcomes by having focused, motivated, and on purpose leaders.